Smart Manager

Smart Manager

Gerente Inteligente

Computadoras en los Negocios: lo que los Gerentes deben saber.

Los gerentes o dueños de empresa puden utilizar tecnología para mejorar la productividad y eficiencia de la empresa.

Este curso es para Ud. si:

– Recibe innumerables quejas del personal de que la red está lenta, de que tienen problemas al imprimir, de que hay problemas al enviar/recibir e-mail.
– Ha sido víctima de hackers, que han entrado a su sistema y han robado información de su empresa.
– Tiene miedo y quiere bloquear cualquier intruso en su sistema.
– El encargado de sistemas le dice que tiene que botar todo y comprar todo nuevo ya que nada funciona y no se puede hacer nada para restablecer el flujo de trabajo.
– No está muy seguro del manejo de documentos confidenciales en su red.
– Decide desconectarse de la red y prefiere pagar por una conexión de internet privada para manejar su e-mail. Usa CDs o memoria USB para compartir archivos con otros.
– Quiere controlar el acceso al internet y bloquear el ingreso a sitios de pornografía u otras redes sociales.
– Quiere tener acceso al sistema mientras está viajando y aun cuando no tiene una computadora consigo.
– Quiere asegurarse que se le está dando el mantenimiento adecuado a su sistema.
– Quiere asegurarse que puede contar con copias de seguridad de todos los documentos, programas, contraseñas, y otros recursos para poder restablecer el sistema en poco tiempo en caso de desastre.

Information Systems Security: Implemantation and Management

Information Systems Security: Implemantation and Management

Aimed at:
System Managers, System Assistants, Supervisors and anyone 
who needs to have specific knowledge of how to secure their 
company’s network and how to control access to system resources.

Objectives: You will
learn to create hidden areas, to protect documents with passwords, to monitor the activity of users in the network. 
You will learn to ensure your installation of Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8. You will 
learn how to secure your Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2012 servers

Duration:  20 hours in 5 sessions of 4 hours each.



General Security Concepts:
• Confidentiality 
• Integrity 
• Availability 
• Access Control 
• Authentication Methods 
• Audit.

Security in Communications:
• Security in wireless networks 
• e-mail 
• Remote Access 
• File transfer.

Infrastructure Security:
• Topologies 
• Detection systems 
• Protection of applications and devices 
• Intrusion detection.

• Algorithms 
• Protocols 
• Certificates 
• Applications.

Operational / Organizational Safety:
• Security Policies 
• Business Continuity 
• Physical Security.

Extra Content
• Questions and Answers to Cisco CCNA, CompTIA Security + and Microsoft MCITP Server 2008 Certification Exams

Information Systems Audit

Information Systems Audit

Aimed at:
Business Owners, Administrative Managers, System Managers, System Assistants, Supervisors, Auditors, Production and Quality Control Managers and anyone interested in learning the latest techniques used in the Information Systems Audit 
Objectives :
• The analysis of the efficiency of the Information Systems 
• The verification of compliance with the control and use policies of the Information Systems 
• The review and monitoring of the processes, controls and administration of the Information Systems.

Duration:  20 hours in 5 sessions of 4 hours each.



• Concepts of Systems Audit 
• Types of Audits 
• General Objectives of a Systems Audit 
• Justification to carry out an Audit of Systems 
• General classification of controls 
• Prevention 
• Detection Controls • Controls of Correction 
• Main, Physical and Logical Controls • Automatic or Logical 

• Administrative Controls in a Data Processing environment 
• Pre-installation 
Controls • Organization and Planning 
Controls • System Controls in Development and Production 
• Processing Controls
• Operation 
Controls • Controls in the use of Computers and Network Services 
• Analysis of Cases of Administrative Controls 
• Methodology of a Systems Audit 
• General Provisions 
• Policies for the Acquisition of Resources in Computing 
• Policies for Facilities 
• Policies in the use of 
TOOL systems 
• Detection and Monitoring Programs • 
Forensic Audit Tools 
• Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7 Policy Programs 
• Other tools used in Systems Audit 
Extra Content
• Analysis of Logs in Windows, Apple and Linux Systems
• Tracking the use of resources in Windows Systems

WordPress Training


Dirigido a:              Dueños de negocios, Diseñadores de sitios de internet, Gerentes de Sistemas, y toda persona que desee aprender a usar esta tecnología para establecer presencia en internet. 


Sumario del Curso Este curso introductorio cubre lo esencial de WordPress.Las cualidades fundamentales le darán las herramientas necesarias para instalar WordPress desde cero.Realizando las tareas en un ambiente práctico, los estudiantes serán capaces de iniciar satisfactoriamente un Blog o un Sitio Web basado en WordPress. Aprenda acerca:

  •  Opciones de alojamiento de sus sitios web con WordPress
  •  Creación de mensajes y artículos con imágenes, galerías, videos y vínculos.
  •  Construcción de páginas y personalizando la navegación.
  •  Extender la funcionalidad con plugins y temas.
  •  La práctica eficiente del manejo de usuarios, seguridad y sitio en general.

Objetivos: al final de este curso, el estudiante:

  • Tendrá conocimiento de lo que se necesita para establecer presencia en el internet.
  • Tendrá conocimiento de cómo trabaja y como configurar un sitio de internet.
  • Conocerá a fondo los pasos para instalar MySQL, PHP y FTP previo a la instalación de WordPress. 
  • Conocerá a fondo como instalar WordPress, como usar plantillas y plugins para configurar un sitio de internet para su negocio.

Material de estudio: El estudiante recibirá un resumen del curso impreso y en formato PDF. También recibirá herramientas y ejemplos de la implementación de WordPress.



Dia 1

– Introducción a Internet; que es y cómo trabaja.
– Introducción a sitios web; que es necesario para tener presencia en internet.
– vs
– Requerimientos para instalar WordPress.
– Descargando WordPress, PHP y MySQL.
– Instalación de PHP y MyQSL.
– Creación de base de datos y cuenta de usuario.
– Instalación de WordPress.
– Como usar Filezilla FTP para subir WordPress al sitio de internet.

Dia 2

– Modificación del tema por omisión
– Instalando temas nuevos
– Instalando Plugins
– Administración de WordPress (Preferencias y opciones)
– Uso de WordPress
– Adicionar páginas
– Creación de contenido en nuestro blog o sitio web
– Formateo de gráficos y texto.
– Manejo de contenido externo.
– Publicando el contenido.

Día 3

– Administración (gestión de usuarios, jerarquías temáticas, dominio y personalización del escritorio).
– Administración de Menús y Widgets
– Proteger páginas y comentarios con contraseñas.
– Publicación (publicación 2.0, blogging y periodismo, multimedia, construyendo una audiencia, gestión de la conversación, hipertextual)
– Manejo de comentarios en páginas. Activar y desactivar comentarios en páginas selectas.

Día 4
– SEO: configuración desde cero.
– Uso de palabras clave, etiquetas y categorías.
– Listas de enlaces
– Reglas de posicionamiento en buscadores.

CIA Snooping via TVs

Wikileaks: CIA has tools to snoop via TVs

The alleged cyber-weapons are said to include malware that targets Windows, Android, iOS, OSX and Linux computers as well as internet routers.

Some of the software is reported to have been developed in-house, but the UK’s MI5 agency is said to have helped build a spyware attack for Samsung TVs.

A spokesman for the CIA would not confirm the details.

“We do not comment on the authenticity or content of purported intelligence documents,” he said.

Global reports of Microsoft faults

There are numerous reports from around the world that various Microsoft services are suffering faults.

The firm said it was looking into them.

Outlook users, including those with Hotmail addresses, are reporting issues on social media and sites including Down Detector – with some saying their services are now returning.

On the Xbox Live platform there is a message saying that Microsoft is aware of sign-in issues and is “working to resolve” them.

Microsoft Outlook has tweeted on its official account that the issue has now been fixed.

“Great news! An update has been rolled out. Our servers are now up and running,” it said in response to a customer at around 1545 GMT.

It suggests trying to log in again.

Nintendo Switch owners complain about dead pixels

Thousands of owners of Nintendo’s new console, Switch, have complained about dead or stuck pixels creating distracting and annoying dark squares on their screens.

Nintendo said such pixels were “normal and should not be considered a defect”.

But one analyst said if the issues were as bad as online photos suggested, it was “unbelievable” Nintendo had let them leave the factory.

The £280 handheld console went on sale on Friday.

Sales figures suggest it has become the fastest-selling games console in the Japanese company’s history, with reports some shops have already sold out.

In the UK, it has sold an estimated 80,000 units.

The Switch can be played both on televisions and as a standalone device.

It launched with a handful of games, with some critics saying there were too few.

‘Return devices’

And now, thousands of customers have reported their new devices came with a screen problem.

On a Reddit discussion thread, one user said: “I understand they’re apparently common in devices, but in a handheld system it’s a big enough annoyance for me I would not purchase a device with one.”

He said he had a similar problem with his Sony Playstation Portable.

“My first one had dead pixels in the middle of the screen, and I brought it back to the store I purchased it in,” he said.

“Luckily, it was a big news story so they were allowing you to open up new boxes in the stores and turn on the device.

“I went through three and on the fourth got one without any visible dead pixels.”

Nintendo responded on its support page, saying: “Small numbers of stuck or dead pixels are a characteristic of LCD screens.”

A similar pixel issue also affected Nintendo’s DS, and the Japanese gaming company eventually allowed buyers to replace devices.

Paul Gray, an analyst at research company IHS, said such issues should no longer be common.

“In the early days of LCD screens there were lots of defects, but these days you see fewer and fewer of them,” he said.

“Some of the photos I’ve seen posted online, I cannot believe that Nintendo would have knowingly let them leave the factory like that.

“Something doesn’t ring quite true,” he said, suggesting that some of the photos may have been doctored.

Mr Gray advised anyone with a defective device to return it to the shop they bought it from.

“If you are a consumer and you find it irritating, you should go back to the retailer and say that you are not happy,” he said.